Jul 11, 2007

Dango the SLY

Lady Boss was giving Dango all the goodies she can eat with her injured foot ( the nail thingy )

And Dango is learning fast : injured foot = more food. So show injure foot - food come.

So at times when she wants a share of even Big Boss's very own meals, she raised her injured foot , shaking it a bit, put on a tortured look and like saying : " PAIN PAIN, FEED ME! FEED ME! .."

For a couple of times it even moved Big Boss into breaking the discipline and fed her some of his food.


Until Dango did it too often and Big Boss smell the trick and told Lady Boss about it.
So Lady Boss dangle Dango'favourite dried rib bone infront of her, and up went Dango's famous 'injured' left rear leg. The moment she got the bone she is off running away to chew her prize. Hey! the injure foot is down and back to normal, immediately !!

Dango ! You SLY !!