Aug 10, 2006

Someone tried to beat me

My Lady Boss went to her cousin's house last night for dinner and I waited for her at home in the garden. I went about doing my own things like smelling the plants, peeing in the grass, barking a little at the occasional passerby......

Then came this mad guy who took a shoe and a stick and tried to beat me from outside the gate. I dunno what his intention was but he must have been really mad..... cos i was inside my own territory and wasn't in the least bit bothering him.... well, maybe i did bark at him a little but hey, I'm a dog...... Anyway, my neighbour on the right Ryan ko-ko saw it and chased him away.

When Lady Boss heard about it, she was very angry. This morning, she told me that when she goes out next time, she'll leave me inside the house instead. Woohoo....... things didn't turn out that bad afterall.... now I will get to have the WHOLE, damn house to myself.... muahahahahahhahaha.... i can't wait!

1 comment:

Boo Boo said...

Hi Dango,

You have been tagged ! see my blog for more details !